Captivate Your Audience
Captivate Your Audience
Online Coaching from Novice To Veteran
TalentTrainers provides expert staff development and coaching for the television industry. Experienced, effective with solid, proven results.
Develop Broadcast Talent
Grow your team with a proactive support system.
Generate Stunning Internet Videos
Don’t know where to start? Create videos that will capture visitors and keep them engaged.
Perfect Your Public Speaking
Learn how to effectively engage a live audience, practice in real time and get instant feedback!
Appear Credible & Confident
Create a dynamic delivery and presence you’ve always wanted.
About Us
Shirley Brice’s broadcast experience gives her a unique edge. She’s been there and knows what the talent goes through from doing live shots in dangerous situations or ad-libbing when the prompter fails. That total understanding of performance gives her the background to help clients perform at their very best in any type of setting.
Shirley has worked with TV stations for more than 30 years and knows how to improve the entire on-air product and boost the team’s morale. Here’s her focus, “Just like with sports, if you have a team working together for the same common goal, you’ll see results.”
She has coached hundreds of broadcasters, working with clients in all size markets, many who work at the network level today. She has also helped clients develop videos for online platforms and maintains, “On camera is on camera, whether you’re before a TV studio camera or doing a simple video for the internet–it’s all about performance and connecting to your audience.”
“In my four years with Tribune, I have recommended only ONE talent coach to our news directors. Shirley is the best. She always makes our people better.”
– Bart Feder, SVP News, Tribune Broadcasting
“Our ratings are up in all of the time periods where she’s worked with our anchors. The online sessions are super easy to set up and highly effective, holding down travel costs.”
– Eric Olsen, News Director, WTKT-TV, Norfolk, VA
Her calm, reassuring, yet honest style works–plain and simple! I’ve been in television news for 30 years, and to this day–I’ve never left a session with Shirley without something I could use to become a better communicator.
– Neill McNeill, Sr. News Anchor, WGHP-TV Greensboro, NC
What is The Process Like?
TalentTrainers doesn’t change who you are, we fine-tune current delivery and bring out the absolute best. It’s all about nuances and small changes you can instantly make to create a stronger, more dynamic delivery. News directors, if you have a whole team of newscasters to coach, we’ll discuss strategies to build on strengths and eliminate distractions. Our coaching is supportive, direct and always totally transparent.
1. Let’s Talk!
Our first step is to jump on the phone and talk about needs with your staff. We’ll go through extensive background on branding, marketing, research and current talent issues.
2. Send Us Examples
Examples of your current newscasts, especially an A block. For individuals, please send recent examples and/or an audition reel.
3. Discuss Strategy/Issues
This is where we get a full understanding of your needs and coaching direction. For instance, if you have loads of clothing/appearance issues at your station, we can tackle that. Or, if your anchors need to show more personality and life, that gets fixed. We look at the whole product including producing, teases and content. Our goal? To make sure you captivate your audience and boost ratings.
4. Online Session
A full hour or more of coaching on a variety of issues; improving voice, body language, stronger writing, creative packaging, more engaging live-shots and appearance. Each person receives comprehensive notes after each session.
5. Follow-up, It’s Essential!
TalentTrainers provides additional feedback, as needed, after the session. It’s the best way to make sure the improvement sticks!
Our Clients Include:

We are standing-by.
Standing by to hear your story and how you want to improve your performance or staff. Please feel free to call or email any time. We’re happy to provide a “no charge” review of your current work or newscast.